Lee Chui Mei
Title: Consultant
Field of study: ICSA (UK)
Experience: 5th year
Qualification: FIMM
Field of experience: Personal Finance
Email: chuimei@finaims.com
My Story:
I have a passion in sales & marketing and business development in the field of IT, Telco & Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). In my early work life, I realized I am always lacking money at the end of every month. This propelled me to think of how I can get out of this without job hopping and relying on year-end bonuses. I became curious about how money worked. I discovered that investments grew my Money Pot and this enhanced my financial safety net for self-protection and self-sustainability for the rainy days.
Fast forward today, I have gained a big part of financial independence. My objective in achieving financial freedom remains solid. With FinAIMS, which vision resonates in me, I found synergy of beliefs to help me achieve my financial goals and my clients' too. Now, I look forward to journey together with others who want to have a better financial tomorrow.