Lim Kay Chye
Title: Vice President
Field of study: Bsc Media Innovation
Qualifications : CFP, FIMM, PRS
Experience : 10th year
Field of experience: Personal Finance
Email: kc@finaims.com
My story:
What set me on this path was a video on YouTube. Take away the soapy storyline and effects, what struck me was the importance of financial independence and retirement planning. I wanted to help myself but ended up getting more satisfaction when I have helped others.
What started out as just a look-see-what-comes-next venture with FinAIMS turned into one of my greatest passions. The more clients I met, the more I realizes the awareness of basic self-financial management is very low in our society. Many still regard Fixed Deposit as the safest way to grow their money and investment per se are just meant for the rich and affluent.
By engaging with my clients, I help them to see pass the misconception of investment and better plan their way to financial freedom. Some have gained great rewards while some are still skeptical. Regardless of the outcome, all of them now know that they have a choice to change their lives.
Ultimately this is the greatest reward I gain.